Friday, March 29, 2013

Vacation Plans

My husband wanted me to make some plans for our upcoming vacation, so this is what I found:

Doesn't that look like fun? I thought so. The rest of my family did not.

I have always had a fondness of climbing up to high places.

                                            Mt. Kilimanjaro Summitt - 19,341 ft  (1997)

...and jumping down from high places

                                          Leap of Faith at Atlantis - 60 ft (Bahamas 2012)

Unfortunately, no one else in my family cares for heights. They will humor me though and hike up high places with me, as long as they are attached to terrra firma most of the time. My husband should know by now that if he puts me in charge of finding something to do, it most likely will involve some height. We took a family trip to Korea about 8-9 years ago and I had to go see all the mountaintop Buddist shrines. I ended up carrying a kid in a backpack and another in my arms so we could do it. We went to Savannah, GA several years ago for Spring Break but we had to stop in Chimney Rock, NC so we could hike up to the top of Chimney Rock. Get the picture?

Well, since rappeling down the waterfall got vetoed, this is what I planned instead:

Sunday - find an Easter service, then check out the waterfalls at La Paz and/or the Poas Volcano
Monday - zipline canopy tour of the cloudforest in MonteVerde
Tuesday - rest/beach
Wednesday - whitewater raft 18 miles of the Pacuare River
Thursday - rest/beach

I'm hoping to get my runs in on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday if I have some time. Everything we have planned involves driving at least 1.5 hours in a different direction; MonteVerde is a 4 hour drive each way. I'm not sure if I'll have time so I'll just see how it goes.

I got a 5 mile run in this morning so 25 miles total for the week. I didn't get any cross-training done.

Anyone want to rappel down a waterfall with me? Rappeling is easy. Just don't get your feet above your head or else you'll flip over.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Intervals - Week 6

I came to a realization this morning. My new shoes are REALLY PINK!
Like bright hot PINK. When I look at my shoes, they look like this

So at the store, they looked mostly gray to me with some pink accents. But, I got down to stretch today and realized they looked more like this

Yup, they're pretty pink. Oh well, not realizing the true color of things must run in the family. My husband once bought an SUV, a Jeep Cherokee, at night and thought he was buying a black vehicle. It was his car and I hate car shopping so he bought it by himself. I saw it the next morning and asked him why he bought a purple car. Yup, it was dark purple.

I decided to try out my new shoes today running those dreaded intervals on the track. I missed week 4 and 5 of intervals due to my work schedule and just not feeling up to it. I am tempted to just chuck this training program and go running like I usually do but decided I would try to stick it out as best I could. It's that age old problem I have - I want to run faster but I don't LIKE to practice running faster...but, I like the feeling AFTER I have run fast.

So here's the workout. One mile warm up. Six 800m repeats with 90 seconds rest in between - except I had a GI emergency after interval #3 and had to take a bathroom break. Somehow the added rest with the bathroom break didn't help my times!

1. 4:03
2. 3:59
3. 4:05
4. 4:09
5. 4:04
6. 4:01

One mile warm down. 5 miles total. I was like drop-over-tired, absolutely-nothing-left doing that sixth interval. I was sure it was going to be my slowest one so I was pleasantly surprised. It also made me feel better seeing that my times have improved since the last time I did this same workout on 3/6/13.

I am still nervous about trying to maintain a sub-9 minute pace for my upoming half. I think I need more tempo runs out on the road. I am hoping the weather will be agreeable once we return from Spring Break. As far as next week's training, I'm just going to see what I can squeeze in while we are on vacation.

Do you exercise when you are on vacation?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Speed Dating

I went speed dating last night.

No, not for a new man... but for new running shoes. I dropped my daughter off at dance and had one hour to find THE ONE. The shoe that I was going to live with for at least the next year. The one that would be with me through all my ups and downs. The one that would fit me comfortably and hopefully help me keep all my toenails!

I went to my running shoe store, Blue Mile, and started trying on shoes. The first shoe I tried on was the Brooks Ghost. I think it was pretty much love at first sight. It fit really well - plenty of toe room and my feet felt great! I currently wear a Puma Velosis but I wanted a lighter shoe. I played around with getting a minimalist shoe and tried on the Brooks Pure Cadence.

I liked it but worried it was going to be too big a change.I tried on about 6-7 other shoes and gave them all a spin on the treadmill. In the end though, I kept going back to the Ghost. I still want to get a lighter shoe but decided I'd get the Ghost for now and think about getting the Pure Cadence as a second shoe in the future.

                                                        my new running shoes

What running shoes do you wear?
Have you tried a minimalist shoe?

Also, my sister-in-law did not have surgery today. Her doctors decided to give the antibiotics a little more time. Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Positive Thoughts

I am trying to think positively today but there is alot going on...

I think I might be getting sick. My head is all stuffy and I'm sneezing. Yesterday was a total bust. I got home from work at 3:30 am and slept a couple hours. The kids had a snow day so sleeping in didn't last very long. I had a 15 mile run planned. I finally got to the fitness center and ran a mile before I decided I couldn't breathe, I was breaking out in a cold sweat, and I was a little dizzy. I stopped and felt pretty defeated. I slept about 12 hours last night and tried it again today. I got all 15 done but was pretty tired the last 2 miles. I certainly didn't push the pace any so I'm wondering if actually running 15 today is helping me out in the long run.

I got news today that my sister-in-law will have surgery tomorrow. It's a long story but, to summarize, her knee hurt... she went back and forth to the hospital 3 times and kept being told it was arthritis... she got to where she could no longer walk... her family took her to another hospital 3 hours away (St. Vincent's) and she arrived there with a blood pressure of 60 (very low). Her knee was infected and the infection had spread into her blood. Then she couldn't move her arms and neck and they found several abscesses on her spine (epidural abscesses). She has a heart condition and her heart acted up too. She got a little better with strong IV antibiotics but then they found more abscesses in her abdomen. Today, the neurosurgeons found that the abscess on the top of her spine is causing too much pressure on her spinal cord so they will do surgery tomorrow. She is in so much pain that she is really drugged up so she is hallucinating. Overall, it's not been a good couple weeks. I may end up being at the hospital tomorrow.

Saturday, we are leaving for Spring Break. My husband is having a panic attack saying I haven't planned it out enough. Well, we have passports, plane tickets, a place to stay, and a rental car. What more do you want?!

Looks like I'll be checking out things to do in Costa Rica tonight and praying my sister-in-law doesn't get any worse. I still need new running shoes so I might try to squeeze that in tonight too.

Please pray for my sister-in-law and send some positive thoughts our way!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Training Notes

Well, my training this week wasn't a total bust but it wasn't what I had planned either. Maybe the problem was that I didn't have much planning... Plus, we had some other stuff happen. My sister-in-law became very ill and was hospitalized in the ICU. She was very critical for a  couple days and we spent the day Wednesday with family at the hospital, then it was back home in time to drive the kids around. Thursday, I plain didn't get much done. I did work stuff in the morning then couldn't get motivated to get out the door again. Friday, I got 5 miles in. This morning, I got another 5 miles in. So week 5, 20 miles.

The sun is shining now but I have to go to work. I'm hoping to be more motivated this coming week.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ice Cream on the Brain


Quick! Before the kids get home! Which one should I eat first?
So here's the deal I found today... and it ends tomorrow, thank God! There's a manufacturer's coupon in the Marsh circular (the print ad that's piled up by the door of the store) for Haagen-Daz, Buy 2, Get a Free Gelato, up to $3.50. The Haagen-Daz is $3.99 at Marsh this "week" (the grocery store week that ends 3/20/13) so if you did the deal there, it would be $3.99 + $3.99 + $3.99 - $3.50 = $8.47.

I found a printable Target coupon for $1 off 2 Haagen-Daz. It's a Target coupon so you can stack it with a manufacturer's coupon. The Haagen-Daz is $3.54 at Target. So, first stop Marsh, grab some circulars. Next stop Target, get the ice cream and use both coupons.

$3.54 + $3.54 + $3.54 - $1 - $3.50 = $6.12
That's $2.04 each, sounds good to me!
I tried the Salted Caramel Truffle. Heavenly!
 I dropped the kids off at tumbling and dance and hit Target again for 3 more cartons.

OK, I actually did buy more than just ice cream. I've been trying out the Campbell's Go Soups. They are $2.49 at Target. There is a Target printable for $1.00 as well as a $1.00 manufacturer's printable coupon at, making them $0.49. So far, my family has tried:

Spicy Chorizo and Pulled Chicken with Black Beans - I loved it; too spicy for everyone else
Coconut Curry with Chicken and Shitake Mushrooms - Sweet but good, per my husband who ate
                                                                                          the whole bag by himself

Today I got: Creamy Red Pepper with Smoked Gouda
                     Chicken and Quinoa with Poblano Chilies

Target also has the Hormel Compleats on sale for $1.66 and there is a $1.00 printable at The kids like these for grab-and-go dinners on busy nights.

So here's my total Target take for the day


So ... my younger daughter comes home from school and found the Haagen-Daz, eats some, then tried to hide it WAAAAY back in the freezer.

She doesn't know there's more in the basement.

So what's your favorite kind of ice cream?
Should I get more ice cream tomorrow?
Have you tried a Go Soup yet?

I got a baby workout in today. 30 minutes on the bike, 8.46 miles, 81 rpm.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to the Track

So last week was just awash when it came to training. All I managed was the 5 miles I got in on Monday morning. I think I'm caught up on things now and decided to start the week with my long run.

It's still gray and cold and raining out. All I want to do is hibernate. Plan was to go to my dentist appointment this morning and then to the fitness center to run. Well, the dentist numbed my mouth for a procedure and afterwards I was so numb I couldn't even figure out how to swallow! I was drooling. I couldn't talk. I was numb on the left side of my face from my neck to just below my eye. Even my left nostil was numb! I had to go home first until I stopped drooling.

I finally got brave enough to venture out in public and went to the track. I got 10 miles in at a nice easy pace. My legs aren't hurting today and I'm not making any noise when my feet hit the track so whatever was bothering my left leg last week must have fixed itself. My only problem today was that I got incredibly bored after about 5 miles. I can't wait until it gets nice enough to run outdoors!

So, switching gears now, here are my
                           FREEBIES FOR THE WEEK so far...

WALGREENS - free 8 X 10 photo collage; enter code COLLAGE4FREE at checkout.
                              I'm planning to make a collage of my daughter's dance team photos.
                              Offer good until 3/20/13.

The DaVinci Code (book) is free until 3/24/13 in all ebook formats. I downloaded mine from Amazon for my Kindle. I never read it when it came out so I'm planning to read it over Spring Break.

I can't wait until Spring Break! I need some sunshine!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Magazine Junkie

"Are you really going to bed at 7:30 (pm)?"


I am in bed. I am totally exhausted. It's day 3 of getting up at 4:30 am. I've been getting my butt kicked at work everyday and then running the kids to their activities at night. We had dinner at 9 pm last night. I had a bowl of cereal for dinner tonight and crawled into bed. I have a fantasy that maybe if I get some sleep tonight I can get up and go running tomorrow morning before work since I don't have to be there until 9 am. We'll see.

So I'm catching up on my emails and the rest of the cyberworld tonight before I go to bed. I went to one of my deal sites and saw an ad for this magazine

I missed the deal. The deal was 1 year (6 issues) for $4.50. I'm totally hooked on the idea of getting the magazine though. I've really wanted a garden for years. I've tried to have a garden for years. Somehow I can never have a really successful garden. The subcaption "sustainable city living" also captures my interest. I think I need this magazine. Or do I?

"Hello, my name is HaeWon, and I'm a magazine junkie."

I love magazines. The colorful slick pages. All the ideas. Inspirational stories. Recipes. The problem is, once I read them, I have a hard time letting them go... or.... they stack up because I haven't had time to read them yet but, someday...

I have tried very hard to cull my subscriptions. These are the magazines I'm getting this year

Crochet Today - I love all the ideas. The potential! I used to get Crochet World too but decided I only needed one of these. I'm even paying full rip retail renewal rate for this.

Runner's World - I've had a subscription on and off for as long as I've been running on and off. Usually I'll get it for a couple years, then take a break. I actually had canceled for this year but then found a deal where it was $5.99 for the year and re-subscribed.

DanceSpirit - I got this for my kids but I think I look at it more than they do. I used to be a dancer and I still do some choreography. I like to know what's going on in the dance world. I got this subscription for $5 a year through a coupon and ebates deal.

Backpacker - I have gotten this on and off through the years. I like to camp and do outdoorsy stuff. This is actually a complimentary subsciption that the people at Sierra Trading Post sent me. I think that means I buy a lot of stuff from Sierra Trading. It's actually a genius idea by their marketing department since you read about all the backpacking/camping stuff and then want to buy more gear!

I have magazines from years ago that I still keep. I might need them for ideas.

                                            Memory Makers magazines 2000 - 2003
                                           (I still look at them for scrapbooking ideas)

I used to get Food Network Magazine. I keep the old issues in a filing cabinet so I can go back and look at the recipes. I also keep my Crochet Today magazines here.

Some magazines I used to get, I actually throw away (gasp!) I've gotten All You, Better Homes and Gardens, Outside, and several others. Most of these I got for free and got them for the coupons. Outside I have gotten for years because I love the ideas for adventure and wanderlust.... and so I digress.

Anyway, I'm trying to decide if I have the time to read another magazine. The cheapest online price I can find now is $15.00 a year but if I get it at through the ebates portal, I will get 40% back through ebates, so my real cost is $9. Plus, it's not so much the cost but do I really need another magazine?

What magazines do you get?
How many magazines do you get?
Do you keep your old magazines?
Should I get this magazine?


Monday, March 11, 2013

Super Easy Country Bread

Today marks the beginning of a very busy week for me. It's Spring Break in Bloomington, IN so half my group is on vacation. I don't live in Bloomington and my kids aren't on Spring Break for another two weeks so I'm working most of the week. Day shift. So it's back to getting up at the crack of dawn.

I was actually ueber productive this morning. Scary productive for me! I had to be at work by 9 am, meaning I had to leave by 8 am. I have to be at work at 6:30 am the next two days, meaning I have to be up at 4:30 am. I decided I might as well TRY to have a somewhat regular sleep schedule this week and got up at 4:30 today (unbelieveable, right?) I was at the fitness center at 5 am when they opened. The fitness center is a happenin' place at 5 am! I ran 5 miles. No watch today, I just made a good effort. My left lower leg still feels like it's going to fall off when I run. Got done and was home a little after 6 am. Showered, dressed for work, did a load of laundry, and decided I wanted some homemade bread tonight.

So here's the easiest Country Bread recipe in the world. Courtesy of my friend Isabelle. I got it from her blog here. I've made alot of bread and it doesn't get any easier than this!

3 cups bread flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water

Put all your dry ingredients in a bowl.

Add water and stir.

                                                                        7 am

Cover and let it sit for 12 hours. I let it sit all day while I was at work. You can put your ingredients together at night and let it sit overnight.

Dough will get bubbly.

                                                                      7 pm

Dump your bubbly dough onto a well floured surface and shape into a ball.

Put an ovenproof dish with cover in the oven and preheat to 450 degrees for 30 minutes.

Slide the dough into your dish (I think this is the hardest part).

Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 10-15 minutes more.

Voila! You're done. Fresh crusty country bread.

OK, excuse now while I go crash!

What's your week look like?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Some Days Are Better Than Others

Some days are better than others. Yesterday was a good day. Today, not so much. I think I'm just overly tired. I'm tired of it being cold too! It's nice and sunny but COLD!. I was planning to do my tempo run outside today but just couldn't do it. I have to go to work tonight so I couldn't wait for it to warm up this afternoon. So, I went to the fitness center and went around and around and around and around the track. ... And around and around and around... My legs felt like wood and I started getting a shin splint in my left leg. This never happens to me. Maybe I need new shoes. Anyway, my feet just kept slapping down on the track and my legs didn't want to move.

5 miles. 48:02. That's as fast as this body would go today. Afterwards, I didn't think I had the energy to drive home and just wanted to lie down on the carpet and take a nap.

I think I'm done for the week. I have to work that horrid 5pm - 2 am shift both tonight and tomorrow night and I have stuff to do at my daughter's dance studio in the afternoon before I go to work tomorrow so I don't think I can squeeze in a bike workout. Plus, I'm just TIRED!

Week 3. 22 miles.

Somebody give me some energy!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Printing Money

I spent this morning printing money. Well, actually, since that's illegal, I was printing coupons. But it might as well be money! All the Central Indiana grocery stores start their new ad on Thursday. Since the rest of the world usually starts their ad on Sunday, I have 4 days to read up on the deals and prep for Thursday morning. Gotta beat all the shelf clearers to the store, ya know!

                                                          some of my "money"

So first stop was Target. This was not an ad deal and their ad started on Sunday, however, this Sunday's paper had these coupons

So here's the deal. You can use both a manufacturer's coupon and a Target coupon on the same item. The manufacturer's coupon is for $3 off 3 laundry care items listed. The Target coupon is also for $3 off 3 laundry care items listed. On the list is Bounce fabric softener sheets. Target carries a 34-count box for $1.97. So here's the math: $1.97 X 3 = $5.91 - $3 - $3 = -$0.09

Yup, you "make" $0.09 for every 3 boxes. There is a limit of 4 of each coupon per transaction. I bought 5 newspapers this weekend so I had 5 of each coupon. Target was sold out the day the coupons came out but the coupons don't expire til the end of this month so I figured I'd just check to see if they got more in. There was a whole shelf-ful this morning. I got 12 boxes plus an Einstein's bagel. I threw the bagel in so I wouldn't have a negative subtotal. Sometimes the cash register freaks out when your balance is zero or a negative number. I have frozen and shut down cash registers at both Marsh and Meijer by having a zero balance so now I always make sure I owe something at the end!

                                            the bagel got eaten before the "photoshoot"!

I'll go back sometime later this month and get the other 3 "free" boxes. I'm stocked up on fabric softener sheets for a year now.

Next stop - Kroger. I did one transaction but I'm going to break it down in photos...

                                                   FREE Yopa Greek yogurt

The Yopa yogurt is on sale for $1 this week. There is a printable coupon for $0.50/1 here. You can print 2 per computer. Kroger will double 2 like coupons up to $0.50, so FREE Greek yogurt.

I have been buying Greek yogurt to eat after my long runs. You are supposed to eat 10 grams of protein in the first hour after a hard workout. This yogurt has 12 grams of protein. You are also supposed to replenish your carbohydrates in that first hour. I don't remember the number of carbs, but I have never met a carb I didn't like so I don't worry about the carbs! Alot of runners will drink chocolate milk. I'm not a huge fan of milk so I eat Greek yogurt.

                                        "better than FREE" Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust

The Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust is on sale this week for $1.25. There is a printable coupon for $1.50/1 here. You can print 2 per computer. Usually, if your coupon is more than the price of the item, it will be adjusted down to match the item price. Today, for some reason, both my coupons scanned for the full $1.50 so I "made" $0.50 by buying the pizza crust!

                                                       love, love, LOVE these!!

Larabar Uber bars are on sale for $1 each. There is a printable coupon at for $0.75/2, so about $0.63 each. They are the BEST energy bar I've ever had. I used to think Clif Bars were great but these are the greatest. They are a "raw food" bar with lots of good stuff

The Cherry Cobbler is my favorite. Here are the ingredients: Almonds, Dried Cherries, Brown Rice Syrup, Pecans, Raisins, Cashews, Dates, Honey, Sea Salt. That's it! No strange ingredients you can't pronounce. If you haven't tried one of these, you have to try one!

Next up, Kroger is having a month long promotion where you get a free gallon of milk if you buy 4 participating breakfast items. I got 2 bags of Quaker Perfect Portions oatmeal, on sale for $2 each, and 2 boxes of General Mills Fiber One Protein bars, on sale for $2.50 each. I had 2 $0.50 off one Perfect Portions, and 2 $0.50 off one Fiber One Protein bars coupons, all from, all of which doubled, so $5 for everything in the picture.

Ended up paying $8.25 for everything at Kroger.

Final stop - Meijer. Things were a little more complicated at Meijer. I had to separate my order into 5 separate transactions to make sure I could use all my coupons and get all the promotions I wanted as some of the coupons and promotions wouldn't work togerther in one transaction.

This is what I ended up with, all for $19.00.

There is a promotion where, if you buy 4 Pillsbury refrigerated cookie dough items, you will get a catalina coupon for $3 off your next order (OYNO). Sometimes, if you USE an OYNO coupon for an OYNO promotion, the OYNO coupon you are suppose to get will not print. It definately will not print if you do the exact same offer again, but sometimes it won't print even if you use a different OYNO coupon.

Sometimes you just NEED refrigerated cookie dough. We were watching the IU-Ohio State basketball game the other night when my husband and kids decided they wanted ME to make chocolate chip cookies. Nooooo... not gonna happen. Not getting up and leaving THIS basketball game. Now, if we had had refrigerated cookie dough that night, everyone would have been happy.

There are also promotions this week for Maxwell House coffee where you get $2 off instantly when you buy 2 cans and Alexia frozen potatoes where you get $1 off instantly when you buy 2. I didn't know if this was one per order or not, so I chose to buy them in separate orders to be safe.

I don't need a bunch of fancy coffee but I HAVE to have my morning coffee. God forbid we EVER run out of coffee! The Maxwell House South Pacific blend is our preferred coffee.

Alexia frozen potatoes. Organic frozen potatoes. Red potatoes with portabella mushrooms. Sweet potato fries with sea salt or chilpotle seasoning. Yummm...

All the coupons I used at Meijer, I printed from

Transaction #1
4 Pillsbury cookie dough @ $2.00 each
-$1 (0.50/2 coupon, doubled)
-$1 (0.50/2 coupon, doubled)
$6.00, got a $3 OYNO catalina coupon

Transaction #2
repeated #1

Transaction #3
4 Kraft Fresh Takes @ $2.00 each
2 Maxwell House coffee @ $3.00 each
-$2.00 instant promo Maxwell House
-$1.00 Kraft Fresh Takes coupon
-$1.00 Kraft Fresh Takes coupon
-$1.00 Kraft Fresh Takes coupon
-$1.00 Kraft Fresh Takes coupon
-$3.00 OYNO catalina coupon from Bounty deal last week

Transaction #4
2 Maxwell House coffee @ $3.00 each
2 Alexia frozen potatoes @ $3.00 each
-$2.00 instant promo Maxwell House
-$1.00 instant promo Alexia
-$1.00 Alexia coupon
-$1.00 Alexia coupon
-$3.00 OYNO catalina coupon from Bounty deal last week
-$3.00 OYNO catalina coupon from #1

Transaction #5
repeated #4 using the catalina coupon from #2

The only thing different I did in #5 from #4 is that I bought french fries in #5 rather than the sauted red potatoes in #4. I guess there was a catalina promo for the Alexia french fries because, out popped another $1.00 OYNO catalina!

I also got some other miscellaneous catalinas with my other transactions

$2 off meat and seafood, $1.00 off bakery, $2.00 off paper or cleaning products, $1.00 off deli, $1.00 off produce. There is no minimum purchase for these coupons. Woohoo! more fake money for my next shopping trip.

I am fortunate that I don't have to shop with small children. I always go grocery shopping ALONE. I always have a LIST. If I'm doing multiple transactions, I just do them, one after the other, at the Uscan. I never do mutliple transactions on the weekend or weeknights at 5pm.

I don't usually do this, but today I decided to count up all the "fake money" I used. Counting doubled values, I used $23.25 in printable coupons that I printed at home and $15 OYNO catalinas that printed at the register. $38.25 total. Now that's REAL MONEY!

Now, moving on with my day, I ate a Larabar Uber bar and washed it down with some milk for Lunch Part 1 (Part 2 was after the workout), then went to the fitness center to cross-train on the bike.

First 30 minutes: 9.00 miles, 96 rpm
10 minutes walk, stretch break; no one got on the bike so I went right back on
Second 30 minutes: 9.14 miles, 100 rpm.

Maybe I should eat an Uber bar before all my bike workouts!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Intervals - Week 3

                                          So much for running my intervals outside today!

I'm still sore from my long run 2 days ago so I was nervous about the 800 repeats I had to do today. I was going to cross-train yesterday but took a rest day instead and moved my cross-training to the end of the week (Saturday). I had six 800m intervals to do with 90 seconds of rest in between each one. This is how it went:

1. 4:14
2. 4:19
3. 4:13
4. 4:12
5. 4:13
6. 4:07

With intervals, the goal is run each one at almost the same time. I thought I would go for a 4:20 pace so I slowed down on the second one but then just ran what I thought was an OK pace for me on the third, and when I found it was closer to the first interval, I just went with the faster pace. I ran my last interval faster on purpose just to prove to myself that I was not running at my max for these and that I had some more gears left if I had to step it up. One mile warm up, one mile warm down, so 5 miles total. I still don't like doing these but, overall, I was pleased with my workout today.

So now, switching gears completely, here's my
                                           DEAL OF THE DAY

                                                           Sun-Bird seasoning packets

These are $0.84 each at both Meijer and Kroger. There is a printable coupon at for $0.80 off any one Sun-Bird product. That makes them $0.04 each.

We are having chicken lettuce wraps for dinner tonight using the recipe off the back of the lettuce wrap seasoning packet.

So what are you having for dinner tonight?
Found any good deals lately?

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today was my long run. 12 miles. I was going to try to pace myself but I felt like I was still in that zone of uncertainty on what my actual goal pace ought to be. I usually never time myself on my long runs but my new training plan has paces to run. Today's goal was "half-marathon pace + 30 seconds." Since I am condensing the 18 week program into 11 weeks, this is actually the long run for week 8 instead of 3. I want to run my half at sub-9 minute pace so I thought I might try for a 9:20 pace. That might have been pushing it but I thought I'd give it a go and see what happened.

So this is what happened:

Mile 1: 9:16
Mile 2: 9:14
Mile 3: 9:15

I'm feeling pretty good about myself at this point but then I had to turn around and, that is when it hit me - the WIND! Plus I was running uphill. I felt like I was running at the same level of exertion but just not getting anywhere. Miles 4 and 5 and miles 10 and 11 were pretty brutal.

Mile 4: 10:05
Mile 5: 10:18
Mile 6: 10:13

So at this point, I'm feeling pretty bad about myself and thinking I'm sorely out of shape. I took about 4 oz of Gatorade at the end of mile 6. Then I got to turn around again and the wind disappeared.

Mile 7: 9:12
Mile 8: 9:15
Mile 9: 9:31

So now I'm feeling better about myself again and thinking that the wind is a factor more than me being out of shape. I decided not to worry about my time as much when I turned into the wind again. I think I may have relaxed a bit too much plus the mileage may have caught up with me at this point because my times REALLY slowed.

Mile 10: 10:47
Mile 11: 11:22 !
Mile 12: 10:19

Average pace was 9:54 but, really, I was all over the place!

I checked the temperature before I left. It was 32 degrees. It was sunny. I never considered checking the wind. Turns out, it was blowing 10 mph. It doesn't really feel all that strong when you're standing still but it made a HUGE difference when I tried to run into it.

So is 10 mph really significant? I looked into "wind-aided times " in track and field. Wind is only a factor in track and field for the shorter races that are run in one direction or some field events. Times are considered "wind-aided" if there is a tailwind blowing faster than 2 meters/second. I believe that translates to 4.5 mph (someone check my math and tell me if I'm wrong). Not sure how this is significant to my run today as I was both wind-aided and wind-hampered.

Hope it's not windy on race day!

OK all you runners, do I have a chance of running sub-9 minute pace for a half-marathon on May 4th?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Earl Grey Tea Cookies

Weather check at 6:30 am. 20 degrees. Snow flurries. There's precipitation on my car. Nope. Not gonna happen. No 5K for me today. I went back to bed. I was going do it as a fun way to get my tempo run in but running outside in cold, maybe wet weather, isn't my idea of fun, even if it is with hundreds of other people.

So, instead of a race report, you get Earl Grey Tea Cookies.

2 cups flour
2 tablespoons finely ground Earl Grey tea leaves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
1 tablespoon finely grated orange zest

If you have a food processor, put everything in the processor and pulse until a soft dough forms. If you don't have a food processor, cream together butter, sugar, and orange zest, then mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Dump dough out onto a piece of wax paper and form into a log.

If you want to get all Martha Stewart-y about it, put the log in an empty paper towel roll so you don't end up with a flat side as it hardens.

Freeze for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Slice firm dough and arrange on cookie sheet.

Bake for 10-15 minutes. Cool and enjoy!

I got my tempo run in indoors today. One mile warm up, three miles on the dreadmill at 9:05 pace, two mile warm down. 6 miles total. Even with my warm up, I felt horrid my first mile, but then, after that, I felt like "OK, it's going to be alright now."  I am hoping the weather warms up here soon so I can do my runs outside where I can use my Garmin to pace me. I really hate the dreadmill. I sound like a Clydesdale when I run on it, plus I'm a bit self-conscious because I only do my faster runs on it so I'm always breathing hard. Today, when I got done, the guy next to me told me he got tired just watching me run. I told him I was just happy I stayed on!

Week two of training is done. 21 miles.

How do you feel about the treadmill? It scares me. Plus, sometimes, I have problems adjusting the speed. There's a big difference between 10 minute miles and 10 mph, but sometimes I get mixed up!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Massage Day

It's finally here! The day I get my massage. I've been looking for a good massage therapist in my area forever. Someone who can really push hard on my upper back and get my legs loosened up too. I found a great one last year after a race in Carmel but he was in Carmel. I don't want to drive an hour each way for a good massage. Surely there's someone closer! I've been using Groupons to try out some new ones, but so far I haven't had much luck. I think I found one today... in a round about way.

So the therapist that sold the Groupon rescheduled me for today. Then she called last night and said someone else would be doing my massage. Naturally, I was a bit annoyed and decided she really was a flake. Well, the woman who did my massage today was WONDERFUL! She knew exactly how to do a sports massage and she knew just how much to talk to you during your massage so it wasn't weird. She said the original therapist just got too overwhelmed with her Groupon offering and asked her for help. She is an independent therapist who was just helping out. Well, this woman just got herself a new client. I went ahead and scheduled another massage for next month with her.

Today is a rest day for me. I did cross-training on the bike yesterday. I was still tired yesterday.
First 30 minutes: 8.6 miles, 85 rpm
15 minute stretch/core exercises
Second 30 minutes: 8.69 miles, 87 rpm

I'm still debating the 5K tomorrow. I don't mind the temperature so much but I don't want to get wet!

Now let me share with you my
                                   DEAL OF THE DAY

Target has a coupon for $1.50 off 2 15-oz or larger Market Pantry pasta sauces. The coupon link is at the bottom of their web page. You can print the coupon twice per computer, but you can only use them one per transaction. The Market Pantry 24oz pasta sauces are on sale for $1 until 3/9/13. So, buy 2, use your coupon, and it's $0.50. If you use your own bag, you get another $0.05 off (hey, every penny counts in my book!).

I ended up with 4 jars for $0.90. I know, it's generic pasta sauce, but I use it as a base for alot of my cooking and you can add your own spices to suit you.

I did some more grocery shopping, mainly for pantry staples and snacks for the kids. I am an active member at Hot Coupon World where I hang out with my coupon buddies. If you want to learn more, come check us out. The banner is at the bottom of this page. I have been participating in the stockpile challenge the last couple months to keep my budget in check. Here's a photo of all the stuff I got today, all for $18.74.

So what's everyone doing this weekend? I'm going to be cooking, baking, and maybe run a 5K.