Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Day, New Month, New School Year

Everything is new again today...

The kids started school. Everyone got up on time and got on the bus.

I got up with them and had breakfast - 2 pancakes, a banana, and coffee. As soon as kid #2 got on the bus, I got my butt out the door and ran 10 miles. My legs were a bit tired from the night before but this was an "easy" run so it wasn't too bad. The weather today is actually VERY pleasant, if you're standing still.

Now I've actually eaten lunch - grilled chicken with spinach, lettuce, tomato, and bell peppers on honey oat bread - and am ready to start baking again. I have to bake or cook something using popcorn. I'm thinking about making these Buttered Popcorn and Malted Milk Ball Cookies that Hope sent me a link to here. If that doesn't work, I'll be creating something else. I also have to create an original cookie for the Gold Medal Flour Contest. I've got some ideas but haven't actually tried any of them yet so there's a chance I might scratch out of this one. I am just getting really tired of the long nights.

Ok, time to start baking!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 10 miles! I did 7 after the girls got on the bus yesterday and thought I was going to lose it after mile 6. It was cloudy until then and suddenly the ski opened up and I started to melt! Good luck with the popcorn!
