Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 3 ... actually turned out OK

Early on, I had a feeling this week might be a disaster. My left leg has been killing me. The whole leg hurts so bad I can't sleep. I thought I was just sore on Saturday but after resting it on Sunday it felt worse. Plus, I had to work Tuesday thru Friday. I know lots of people have regular jobs where they have to go to work 5 days a week but I get whiney when I have to work more than 3 days in a row. So... according to my training schedule, Monday was supposed to be a 6 mile paced run in preparation for my 8 mile "long" run on Tuesday. The weather has cooled significantly this week so I went outside. Goal was to run about 9 minute pace.

Mile 1 - 8:50
Mile 2 - 8:54
Mile 3 - 8:53
Mile 4 - 8:51

Mile 4 is always the toughest mile on my course because it starts uphill, plateaus for a little bit, then goes uphill again so you start and finish on an uphill. I was really tired and psyched out about it and pushed pretty hard. So I hit pace for mile 4, then I let myself go on the downhill and all of a sudden I just felt BAD all over - like I was sinking into the ground and I just wanted to lay down right then and there. Plus I was sweating but now I had a cold sweat. I ended up just stopping, then doing a walk/jog thing back home for a total of 5 miles.

Tuesday, I was going to run before work but couldn't get out of bed. After work, there were thunderstorms so I was going to go to the fitness center. My husband had car trouble though so I had to help him first, then it was after 8:30 pm and I didn't think I could comfortably get 8 miles in with my warm up and warm down at the fitness center before they closed at 10 pm. I was driving back home to give up for the night and try to re-figure my running schedule so I'd have another pace run in before I tried the long run when it stopped raining. I pulled into the old West Grove school where there is a running trail and decided to just do my run there. It ended up a glorious night for a run! The weather was cool. As the sun set, mist rose up from the ground. I felt good and felt like I could run forever. The only problem was that when it got dark, there are no lights where the trail goes into the woods and the footing was a little dicey since there was standing water and mud from the rains. I ended up running 10 miles and got done at 10:30 pm. After that, my week got better. I am loving this cool weather.

This is how the week turned out:
Sunday - rest
Monday - 5 miles
Tuesday - 10 miles
Wednesday - cross train: walked 3 miles (5K course for race next day)
Thursday - 5 miles: 5K + 2 mile cool down
Friday - 3 miles
Saturday - 5 miles

28 miles for the week.

My leg is still killing me but I've been getting home from work after midnight the last couple nights and just collapsing into bed so getting to sleep hasn't been a problem. I'm taking tomorrow off and seeing the chiropractor on Monday. Next week is my "wiggle week." I have to bake all my county fair stuff, plus work 3 days and drive my daughter to her dance intensive all week so I am just going to run when I can.

Today is my 17th Wedding Anniversary. My husband and I are now off to a weekend in Louisville. Gonna eat some good food and flame/blow glass with a glass artist!

1 comment:

  1. wow busy week for a wiggle week! Happy Anniversary! Have a great weekend! We are off to N.C. for a week vacation with my folks (wish me luck!) Have fun!
