Saturday, January 6, 2024

Writing It Down Makes It Real : 1/1/24 - 1/6/24

Writing it down makes it real.

Since I did the cliche thing on New Year's Day and signed up for a marathon I figured I'd go ahead and keep down that path with a couple more goals.

1. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity daily.
Seriously, I think I've been laying on the couch with my cat for the last two years.

2. Meal plan.
It's been so easy to grab drive thru or packaged food lately because I don't think about my next meal until I'm starving, then I just grab whatever is handy.

3. Write out what I want to accomplish every day.
I'm retired. I don't HAVE to do anything. I can lay on the couch with my cat, order Door Dash every day, and hire people to do all my chores... but I also realize I got to where I am today by being productive and accomplishing my goals and I have more things I want to do. Those things not getting done by themselves.

Highlights of my week...

Monday 1/1/24
Registered for the Geist Half Marathon (9/14/24) and the Monumental Marathon (11/9/24).
I burned my boats on the beach and chose the non-refundable option.

Tuesday 1/2/24
1 mile run indoor track.
Weighed myself and almost stroked out. More on that later. I'm still processing...
Cleaned my kitchen and pantry and threw out all the junk food. Took stock of what I had, made a meal plan and a grocery list.

Wednesday 1/3/24
2 mile run indoor track
15 minutes stationary bike (3 miles) level 5.
I made a big pot of minestrone and portioned it out. Also made some hard boiled eggs to snack on.

Thursday 1/4/24
3 mile run indoor track
I was pleasantly surprised I ran all 3 miles without a problem since I haven't run in a loooong time.
I had to drive up to my parent's house immediately afterwards so I was glad I had hard boiled eggs and an apple to grab after my run so I wouldn't be hangry later.

Got back home late in the evening and it was the same deal. I was starving. I had minestrone.

Friday 1/5/24
3 mile run indoor track
Goal today was to run 4 miles. However, 3 laps into my run I developed a pain in my right knee. An uncomfortable niggle that sent concern into my brain. Maybe I should back off... 
I considered walking it out but decided to continue running. I've had the discomfort before. I'm certain I have a bit of a meniscal tear in this knee and every now and then a piece of cartilage floats into an uncomfortable position. Of course this is pure speculation. I've never had it imaged. Anyhoos, most of the discomfort worked itself out after a couple more laps. Then, I lost count on what mile I was on... so in the end, I either ran 3 miles or I might have run 4, but I'm counting 3 because I'm sure I ran at least that far.

Made butter chicken with sweet potatoes and rice.
Portioned out the leftovers for later.

Saturday 1/6/24
30+ minutes of ice skating
I woke up this morning with a pressure feeling in both knees. I've had this discomfort before. I get it when I start increasing my mileage. Usually I feel it the first time I run 5+ miles after I haven't run for awhile and since I had some right knee pain yesterday I wasn't surprised. Plus, my running shoes are past dead. I think they are over 5 years old...

Initial plan was to go to the fitness center and check out the Peloton bikes. I noticed that they were there this week but I didn't have any ear buds with me so I couldn't use them. G and I were also planning to go ice skating later in the afternoon. Well, the morning got away from me and G called me while I was out running errands, so I picked her up and ran her errands too, and by then it was too late to go to the fitness center so we just went to the skating rink. I did work up a sweat doing laps around the ice and since my goal today was to do at least 30 minutes of activity I'm going to count this as cross training.

Week 1 Activity Summary
9 miles of running
15 minutes on a stationary bike
30+ minutes of ice skating

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