Wednesday, June 6, 2018

To Finish... Afghans

Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect.

I came across this quote recently in a blog that I've been devouring. The blog is a crocheting blog by Lucia Dunn called Lucia's Fig Tree. It seemed so fitting.

The theme for my blog posts this month will be FINISHING.

I have so many things to finish. Actually though, life has been pretty good for me lately although I feel like a child with ADHD. So many fun things to do! I want to do everything at once! The sun wakes me up every morning and I can't decide what to do for the day because it's mostly all fun. Really, nothing has to get done. My husband calls them half-world problems. I am fortunate.

So... some goals.
I have many things I'm working on but this post is about my afghans. I have three I need to finish.

First up is my Owl Obsession afghan. I'm sure many of you remember it. I started it 2 years ago and was on a tear. But then I ran into some problems. Refresher post HERE. The whole saga will be a post in itself. Long story short, I just couldn't deal with it at the time as fixing things involved taking most of the whole afghan apart... so I threw the whole thing in a bag and let it sit in my office for a couple years.

After I finished my last quilt though, I got the itch to crochet again and I didn't feel so completely overwhelmed anymore... so I picked up the owls again. It will be finished soon. I can see all it's imperfections but it will be done and done is better than perfect.

Next up is my Leaping Stripes and Blocks afghan. I first wrote about it waaaay back in my blog post on 9/10/14Well... my daughter has long graduated high school so there will be no snuggling under the blanket watching her cheer at football games but, luckily, she now goes to Indiana University so the colors are still correct :)

This is an afghan I've "picked at" over the years. A couple rows here, a couple rows there. Part of the problem in finishing it is that I made it so big... and hence NOT very portable. Originally I sized it to cover a twin size bed. Seeing it stretched out on my KING size bed, I realize I might have gone a bit overboard! Plan now is to make it a big square and enjoy it. I still love the bold colors and the pattern. I like my blankets large heavy and close knit.

My final afghan is the Spike Stitch afghan. This was started YEARS AND YEARS ago. So long ago I can't even remember... I wanted to make this afghan for several reasons. First, it was a challenge. Something about an "experienced" 4-bar difficulty rating pushed my buttons. Sigh...

Next, I found this absolutely wonderful cashmere blend yarn on clearance at Michaels. I loved the feel and the color so I bought every skein they had, just to have it. Then, I found the afghan pattern and realized this was the perfect yarn for this project. It was destiny. Problem was, I didn't have enough yarn and it was a clearance/discontinued item. So what do you do in a situation like this? Ebay. I bought more yarn on ebay.

Again, this was an afghan that I couldn't put down the first couple weeks I worked on it. Then I ran into problems and it got to the point where I felt I'd probably have to take the whole thing apart and I couldn't deal with it... so I shoved it in a storage bin. First thing I will need to do with this one is undo the whole thing and salvage the yarn... but I think I can deal with that now.

Looking forward to finishing things this month!

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