Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Accountablility Day 1: Monumental Marathon 2019 - I'm In

It's been a long time since I've blogged here and quite frankly it had been a long time since I ran...

I stopped running sometime last summer. With my hamstring injury during the Carmel Marathon it just wasn't fun any more. I quit going to Run Club. I'd dabble with short runs here and there but overall I just didn't run.

I was happy this way... except I gained a whole bunch of weight. Come November I had to find a nice outfit to wear to my daughter's Nutcracker performance and I couldn't fit into any of my dresses. This Spring I finally decided maybe I should weigh myself when I longer could get into any of my jeans or shorts.

147 lbs. It was an eye opener. I am only 5'2". It was the most I'd weighed since I had my last child over 16 years ago. No wonder nothing fit! I was 120-125lbs when I qualified for Boston in 2015 and around 135 this time last year.

I started exercising more regularly in April and committed to doing the Keto Diet the entire month of April. I have found in the past that structured diets are what work for me - tell me exactly what to eat everyday! I found a free 28 day meal plan online and stuck to it. It was also gluten free, dairy free, and white sugar free. I didn't track calories and I didn't track miles. I just ate what my piece of paper said and made sure I did some kind of exercise. I lost 10 pounds.

OK, but I missed my carbs... so, off the Keto Diet now and just trying to eat good whole food. I have found in the past that journaling keeps me accountable so my goal now is to write a blub every day for at least 30 days. I think in the past my blogging felt like another task because the posts would get so long. My goal now is just to get something down every day on how I'm doing.

So today I registered for the Monumental Marathon on November 9th. It was something I had pondered for quite some time; I even asked off work for that weekend back in January... but somehow I wasn't ready to commit. Until today.

So there. I'm registered. Now I have to train.

I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to go for BQ time.

Oh never mind! Of course I'm going to want a BQ. Sub-3:50 is my goal.
I ran 6 miles today. I weighed in at 135 lbs.

Oh, and I'm running the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim on October 8th so I gotta get in shape for that too.

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