ValenTimes 10K
I'm WAAAAY behind on blogging my weeks. Sometimes I ask myself why bother? However, just like my scrapbooks, I like looking back at what I've done in the past and in the end I'm always glad I wrote about the experience. So here it is, mainly for me...
Week 9
Sunday (2/7) - Zero miles. Total white space on my calendar today and all I did was lay around.
Monday (2/8) - 5 miles.
Tuesday (2/9) - 10 miles.
Wednesday (2/10) - 20 miles.
Thursday (2/11) - Zero miles. Got home from work at 7:30 am and slept all morning then pretty much laid around the house all day. J and I then went out to dinner before driving down to Bloomington to work the IU vs. Iowa basketball game which didn't start until 9 pm. The game was a fantastic barn burner, down to the last second. The student section was a rockin' party the whole game. J said she wanted to go to IU just so she could sit in the student section during the games. We didn't get home from the game until after midnight.
Friday (2/12) - 3 miles. Easy shake out miles on the hamster track.
Saturday (2/13) - 8.2 miles. Went down to Seymour to run the ValenTimes 10K in the morning. This is where I ran my 10K PR last year. I am no where near the shape I was in last year but I was hoping to run under 50:00. The forecast was frigid.
Mile 1 - 7:39
Mile 2 - 8:15
It went downhill from there. My legs felt like wood and they wouldn't speed up.
Mile 3 - 8:29
There was NO ONE in sight at this point. It was an absolute suckfest. I decided to try and run 8:30 pace and pretend it's a tempo run.
Mile 4 - 8:27
Mile 5 - 8:33
Mile 6 - 8:32
Official time - 50:44.6 (8:09 pace)
Finished third overall in the women's race and second in the 40-49 age group.
One mile cool down immediately after the race.
Afterwards, I hurried my butt home to watch the Olympic Marathon Trials. Got out of the shower just in time to watch the start of the telecast. Got to watch everything but the last 30 minutes because we had to leave to take G to her performance so I recorded it. Hubs and I were watching G's show that night but her call time was two and a half hours before the show actually started so we went out for a nice dinner and I HAD to peak at the women's results. I was actually surprised to read that Shalane Flanagan hit the wall at mile 25 and finished third. Then, when I got home I watched the telecast. OMG, what a race!
Week 9 - 46.2 miles
Week 10
This was a drop down week. I was tired and scheduled to work a bunch of shifts so it actually worked out pretty well.
Sunday (2/14) - Zero miles. Worked all day.
Monday (2/15) - Zero miles. Worked all day.
Tuesday (2/16) - 5 miles. I got up at 5 am to go pick up my mom (she lives an hour away) and drive her to the hospital for a scheduled upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. Thankfully the whole thing got done earlier than I expected. I got home in time to take G to dance and I ran at the Y while she was in class. I was already changed and showered when my phone started blowing up at 7:30 pm. The night shift locums doc for Martinsville had not shown up for work. I ended up covering the shift after I got home from Carmel, so I worked from 10:45 pm to 7 am. All I have to say is that it's a good thing I got my run done before all this happened.
Wednesday (2/17) - 5 miles. Original plan was to run 10 miles on the hills south of my house. I had two podcasts all cued up from Another Mother Runner about the "mother runners" that had made it to the Olympic Trials and was super excited about it. However, after being up all night (unexpectedly at that!), I was too trashed to do this so I ran easy on the indoor track and laid around the house all day.
Thursday (2/18) - Zero miles. Worked all day.
Friday (2/19) - 10 miles. Finally got to do the hills I had planned for Wednesday and listened to the podcasts. It was a glorious run, even with the 27 mph winds! Sunny and 60 degrees. Spring?
Saturday (2/20) - 5 miles. I worked Friday night. All the computers at work went "down" at 1 am for some kind of scheduled maintenance/upgrade so everything in the ED went to paper. I didn't get home until 4 am so I pretty much slept til 10 am, then crawled out of bed in time to drive G to dance. Ran on the Monon while she was performing. Not quite as warm as Friday but it was still sunny.
Week 10 - 25 miles
Week 11
Back to two more weeks of "big" mileage weeks, but my right foot keeps hurting me and I am getting more paranoid that I have a first metacarpal stress fracture or something. With 7 more weeks to go though, there's not enough time to stay off the foot so I've decided to just try and minimize the stress.
Long runs for the next two weeks will be shorter but have higher intensity. I may try to only run 4 days too.
Sunday (2/21) - 3 miles. Another short run on the Monon while G was performing. I was going to do 5 but I still felt totally exhausted so I cut it short.
Monday (2/22) - 15 miles. I heard a nasty rumor on Saturday, when it was sunny and warm, that it was going to SNOW later this week. Ugh. Better get the long run in sooner than later. Plan was a progressive run - one mile warm up, 3 X 9:00, 2 X 8:30, 1 X 8:00, one mile recovery, then repeat the 3-2-1 progression, then a one mile cool down. I dropped G off at dance and hit the Monon at 5 pm.
First progression went well. I'm still trying to decide how fast I want to run Boston but right now I'm leaning towards a 9:00 pace. It was actually a discipline challenge to run 9:00 pace at the beginning because I kept wanting to run faster. However, during the second progression I started having a hard time keeping this pace and realized I really couldn't go any faster. Plus, it was so dark I could no longer see my watch. I ended up doing a 4 mile cool down instead. For some reason though, I wanted to make sure I went though 13.1 at under 2:00. Made it in 1:59:40. I'm not sure why it mattered to me but it did!
I was really happy about the run overall. What followed though was not fun...
By the time I got done running and back to my car, I had exactly one hour before G got done with class. It takes me 15 minutes each way for me to drive to the Y where I shower. I was about 40 degrees when I got done running and I got cold as soon as I stopped moving. Got to my car and downed my Gatorade Recovery protein shake. All my blood went to my stomach and I got so cold I was shaking. Sprinted into the Y and into a hot shower. All the blood vessels in my extremities vasodilated and I could feel my blood pressure drop - so I was weak but warm! Then I sprinted back out to my car to get back to the dance studio before class let out... and I was sick, as in, my face was flushed, I was light headed, and my recovery drink was still sloshing around in my stomach. I had a couple minutes so I went inside and tried to stretch but ended up lying on the floor in a fetal position instead until G was done. Oy! Now to drive home. I made it about half a mile down the street before my lower abdomen started cramping and I had to find a bathroom fast! Made it into a bathroom before I had an accident then suddenly everything was better. Phew!
Tuesday (2/23) - Zero miles. Recovery day. No work either and G had a ride to dance so a nice free day for me. I focused on staying off my legs as much as possible and went to watch J cheer in the evening.
Wednesday (2/24) - 7 miles. Original plan had been to do 10 hilly miles but the bad weather was starting to set in and it was pouring rain so I went to the hamster track. Then, shortly after mile 6 my foot started hurting so I finished out 7 and called it a day. It was snowing by the time I left the fitness center.
Thursday (2/25) - Zero miles. Planned rest day. Worked all day. I've been working on my nutrition too and the day started out well. Oatmeal for breakfast. Lean Cuisine basil salmon with orzo for lunch. J was cheering in Columbus that night so I picked up half portions of black bean soup and Greek chicken salad at Panera for dinner and ate before the game started at 7 pm. So far so good. However, J announced she was starving after the game and wanted Buffalo Wild Wings. I caved. Then I decided I was starving too and wanted wings. I ended up with a dozen hot boneless wings. We got home a bit after 10 pm, just in time to watch the second half of the IU - Illinois basketball game. Hubs had ordered a pizza and chocolate chip cookie for the game. I ate ALL my wings plus a cookie wedge. IU was leading by a good margin. I had been up since 4:30 am. I fell asleep. I woke up again at midnight to brush my teeth and go to bed.
Friday (2/26) - Zero miles. Ugh. I paid for Thursday night's food indiscretions. Plan had been to run 5 miles. It was still nasty outside. I was so tired I slept though the kids getting up and leaving for school in the morning. Luckily they are old enough to care for themselves. I crawled out of bed at 10 am and found the kitchen looking like there had been a frat party the night before. Half eaten pizza in pizza boxes. Empty cookie box. Empty jug of milk. Empty B-Dubs containers. Sink full of dirty dishes. Toaster and bread still out. Blah. I got all that cleaned up and finally motivated myself to get in my running clothes and leave the house. Oh, forget to mention, the hot wings were now burning a hole in my stomach. I was still full when I woke up so I had choked down some coffee and a fruit smoothie. Then I got in my car. It still smelled like hot wings. Barf. That was it. I was still exhausted from all my non-running running around the day before. I bagged my run. Drove to the bank and the grocery store instead with my windows down.
Saturday (2/27) - 15 miles. I SLEPT Friday night. The light woke me up at 7:30 am this morning and I didn't know what was going on. Why is the house so quiet? Did the kids go to school? Oh, wait, it's Saturday... and I feel pretty good. Ran a hilly route outdoors. Plan was to run my 10 mile loop and come back to my house, then continue either 3 or 5 more miles depending on how I felt. Well, the weather was back to being beautiful again and my foot didn't hurt so I ended up doing 15. It was a watchless run at an easy pace but I think what mattered for this run was just the time I spent out there on my feet moving.
Week 11 - 40 miles
Hoping to put in at least another 40 miles this coming week but I'll keep the long runs at 15. I'm also going to work on blogging more often... for me.