I did OK the first week. I even went out to eat three times and felt good. Here's a run down of my daily calories and exercise...
date calories consumed exercise calories used total calories
2/11/18 938 rest day 1200 -262
2/12/18 1200 ran 6 miles 1800 -600
2/13/18 1334 ran 8 miles 2000 -666
2/14/18 "diet vacation day" for Valentines, ran 4 miles and didn't go crazy on the food
2/15/18 1665 ran 20 miles 3200 -1535
2/16/18 1165 rest day 1200 -35
2/17/18 1219 ran 4 miles 1600 -381
Ran 42 miles total for the week and stayed negative on the calories so I felt pretty good about things. Starting weight was 132.5 lbs. Weigh in on Sunday 2/18/18 ranged between 132 and 133 lbs so not much of a change in weight though.
I'm still convince a lot of the initial weight loss is water. I noticed that when the diet became less structured I ate more processed food and, hence, definitely increased my salt intake.
Sunday 2/18/18
I was scheduled to work from 7 pm to 7 am so I ran 10 miles early in the afternoon to get my run in before my night shifts started. Got done running around 4 pm and found a message from my mom. She wasn't feeling well and wanted to know what to do. I called. No answer. I called my brother to see if he had heard from her. Yup. She was in the ED by then. When she didn't hear back from me she decided to take herself to Urgent Care. Urgent Care took one look at her and loaded her in an ambulance...
... and so started my downward spiral and the wheels started coming off.
My brother went to the ED where she was. I went to work at the ED I was scheduled at and told him to keep me updated. Turns out my mom's blood pressure was sky high, which happens to her from time to time for no apparent reason. She got stabilized and released late in the evening. She called me when she got home and I told her I'd call her again in the morning after I got home and slept for a couple hours. Then... she calls me back not 5 minutes later saying she feels like she's going to die again and, can I leave work so see her NOW??!! Umm, no. Luckily my brother's still there so I instruct him to take her back to the hospital. They go back. She spends another couple hours there, then gets released home at 2 am.
Monday 2/19/18
Can't even remember what I ate when I woke up. Checked on my mom. She was doing OK... but ended up calling me back a bazillion times during the day. Felt too tired to run so I laid around the house til it was time to go back to work, the decided I HAD to have a burger this evening. Ended up driving through McDonald's on the way to work. It was another 7 pm to 7 am shift.
The ED was packed when I got there. Didn't even get to finish eating my food while it was still warm. Topped off the evening by helicoptering someone out at 4 am. It was that kind of night.
Tuesday 2/20/18
Slept til noon then tried to get moving. Run Club was tonight but G talked me into going to her jazz class instead. It is "Bring a Friend to Dance Class" month at the studio and all the girls in her class decided tonight was the night they were bringing their moms. So... I went to jazz class. It's been years since I actually took a class myself. The class is an hour and a half long. Halfway through class I realized I was the only fool (amongst the moms) that was still turning and jumping... probably should have dropped out when they started doing switch leaps... decided a good way to get a lumbar compression fracture or tibial plateau fracture was landing straight-legged from a switch leap.
Wednesday 2/21/18
Needless to say I woke up Wednesday incredibly sore. @#^$## jazz class!
Thought I'd feel better after a run to loosen things up. Managed 3 miles before throwing in the towel. Needless to say I was completely off my diet by now.
Thursday 2/22/18
Today was no better. I was sore. I was tired. I had a tutu I had to finish sewing before next week. I actually drove all the way to the Y after dropping G off at dance but then turned around and drove back to the studio and worked on her tutu instead as I had too much on my mind to run.
Topped off the evening by driving through McDonald's again. At least I got to enjoy my bad food tonight.
Friday 2/23/18
Today was "pull yourself together" day. Attempted to eat better... except G talked me into taking her to Cinnabon after her PT appointment and we both ate 800 calories cinnamon rolls... then I ran 12 miles at the Y in an attempt to make amends. Sigh. Run to eat club lifer here.
Saturday 2/24/18
Started the day with another 10 mile run, trying to catch up on my mileage this week. Diet went out the window again after that. Met some friends for lunch, then got talked into going to Cinnabon again for dessert. Ate a smaller cinnamon roll today...
BLAHHHH!!! so that was the week. Salvaged 35 miles but ate horribly.
Other distractions this week (other than my mom)... the weather was horrible. Cold rainy and gray. I stayed up WAY WAY WAY too late several nights to watch the Olympics. G's tutu. I have to have it done by next week and the bodice doesn't fit right and I've been running to JoAnn or Michael's every day to get Swavorski crystals or lace with 50% off coupons. The lace we are using is $9.99 a yard, and only sold in pre-cut yard rolls, so I had to go to multiple stores to find enough lace.
Sunday 2/25/18
Spent the whole day on the road, taking G to an audition in Chicago. Managed to eat a fairly healthy low calorie meal at Panera for lunch, then had an awful gut busting chili dog with probably some of the worst tasteless onion rings I've ever had at Portillo's. I've never been to a Portillo's and hubs thought G and I should experience it. No thank you. Never again. Yuck!!
Needless to say, no running today either.
Monday 2/26/18
Ran 10 miles on the Monon in the evening. I tried doing the Run Club workout that I missed on Tuesday, which was a 2 mile warm up, then alternating miles of 10K/half-marathon pace and marathon pace for 3-5 miles, then a cool down. My plan was to alternate 8:30 and 9:00 miles. Well... that didn't happen. Tried the first "fast" mile and struggled to get 8:55 so I decided to alternate "fast" miles with recovery miles. Granted, the following "fast" miles felt better. Managed 8:36, 8:32, and 8:29 for the other ones then did a cool down. Average pace for 10 miles ended up being 9:31 so not horrible but slower than where I need to be. The nice thing about doing speed work though is that the miles seem to go by SO much faster than running them at an even pace.
Tuesday 2/27/18
Worked from 7 am to 7pm. The good thing about going to work is that I can only eat what I bring so I ate healthy. I considered running a couple miles at the fitness center after I got home but ended up working on G's tutu instead. It had to be done to take to a dance competition on Thursday. I spent the evening heat pressing 140 individual Swavorski crystals onto the bodice of her tutu. Got done at 11 pm and called it a night.
Wednesday 2/28/18
G had an orthodontist appointment in the morning so I didn't have a long enough block of time during the day to get my long run in. I needed at least 4 uninterrupted hours. Dropped G off at dance in the evening and hit the Monon to run 20 miles. It was threatening rain when I started and I actually ran the last 5 miles in a fine mist but I got it done. It was pitch black outside for the last 2 miles but I was pretty much committed to running 20 miles at that point because I had to get back to the Y in time to get showered and changed and pick up G by the time she got done with class. Made it back to the dance studio with 5 minutes to spare but didn't get a chance to do a post-run stretch so I felt pretty crappy. Plus I was starving. Hit Panera again for a 8:45 pm dinner.
Yeah, meal planning went out the window this week so it's been Panera...
Thursday 3/1/18
So this morning was the moment of truth. I weighed myself 2 days early because G and I are leaving for Kansas City and I won't be back til the weekend.
I was afraid to look at the scale. Dreading it actually. I tried to eat reasonably when I could, however I knew I'd eaten a BUNCH of bad food the last 2 weeks and I was convinced my weight was going to go up. My guess was that I'd be back in the 134 lb range.
131.2 lbs.
Couldn't freakin" believe it! I stepped on the scale 5 times to make sure. Hallelujah!!
Phew! I'm more relieved than anything else. Still going the right way in spite of falling off the wagon a couple days and no longer writing down every single thing I eat.
Spent the rest of the day driving to Kansas City.
Friday 3/2/18
So this is Day 30. I'm going to try and get a couple miles in at the hotel fitness center if I have time this evening. My daughter is on a short break between dances so I'm scoping out nearby restaurants and their menus to find a decent place for us the eat the next couple of days. Luckily she's a health nut so finding a place we can both eat at shouldn't be an issue.
29 more days til the Carmel Marathon!