I'm not much of a morning person but on days like today I understand why some people love mornings.
I'm the only one up. The house is still asleep. It's quiet. The air is still cool outside. All the hours ahead hold such promise.
So today is Day 1. Actually, it's really Day 2 but yesterday, Day 1, was a rest day. I'm starting a new run training plan. The Mill Race Marathon is 18 weeks away. I decided I needed a more structured plan this time around so I'm going with the plan I had come up with for Napa. Today is a 3 mile run. It's funny how skewed your mind gets when you start running longer distances. Without a plan telling me it's "OK" to "just" run 3 miles, most days I'm telling myself it's not even worth going out the door unless I'm running 5-6 miles... then lots of days I end up not running at all.
That's been my last 2 weeks. It's been a combination of end-of-the-school year graduation/open house madness along with work, heat, and not feeling all that great that have sidelined my runs.
Mainly so I can keep track, the last two weeks...
Sunday 5/14 - Zero miles. Mother's Day. We had friends from South Bend come and spend Saturday night with us. I got home around 1 am from work so I didn't get to see them until morning. We then went out to brunch. The wait was so long and then it took awhile to get our food. I made it back home just in time to go to work again. Same 2pm - 11pm shift for the third day in a row. I was beat.
Monday 5/15 - 6 miles. It was over 85 degrees when I started an easy run on the Monon in the evening. Then I had stomach issues due to downing a left over jalapeño sausage cheese breakfast skillet before the run (BAD idea!). Ended up having to walk a bit. Not a great run.
Tuesday 5/16 - 5 miles. Run Club. Again it was over 80 degrees by the time we started running. The actual workout was a track workout but I had been running around all day like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get stuff done for J's Open House on Saturday and was halfway around the 465 loop when I realized I'd left the house without my Garmin. Ugh. Ended up running, more like trying to keep up, with some of the fast kids. They were racing on Saturday so they took off for an "easy" run. We got to the mile mark and I looked over at Trena and asked how fast we were going. "8:00." I let them go after that as I wanted to finish the run still standing and I was already overheating. No watch but I'm sure I averaged sub-9:00. Did NOT feel good after the run though.
Wednesday 5/17 - Zero miles. Worked all day.
Thursday 5/18 - Zero miles. Took G to the orthodontist in the morning then spent all day prepping Open House stuff.
Friday 5/19 - Zero miles. Worked from 7 am to 7 pm. Got home and started making cupcakes for the Open House at 8:30 pm. Baked 145 cupcakes in 4 different flavors - red velvet chocolate chip with cream cheese icing, lemon blueberry with lemon cream cheese icing and fresh blueberries, strawberry shortcake with strawberry filling and whipped strawberry cream topping with fresh strawberries, and double chocolate with chocolate buttercream icing and shaved chocolate. After the cupcakes were done baking I had to finish J's trifold of photos. Trying to get all her photos to fit on a trifold at 3 am was like working a giant puzzle with no sleep. I finally went to bed at 5:30 am.
Saturday 5/20 - Zero miles. Got up at 8:30 am to finish icing all the cupcakes. I made other food too. Luckily it was a joint Open House, with the party itself being held at my daughter's friend's house (since mine was TRASHED by now). Got everything hauled over there and set up just in time for the Open House to start at 4 pm. I sat down and almost fell asleep as the guests started coming in. It was immensely satisfying though to see that everyone loved the cupcakes.
11 miles this week.
Sunday 5/21 - Zero miles. I needed today to rest.
Monday 5/22 - 6 miles. Nice easy uneventful run on the Monon.
Tuesday 5/23 - 6 miles. Good run on the hamster track. Missed Run Club in the evening as J graduated from the Vincennes University Early College program in the evening. Her actual high school graduation will be next weekend.
Wednesday 5/24 - Zero miles. The day got away from me then G had a choir concert in the evening. We went out to dinner after that and didn't get home until almost 10:30 pm.
Thursday 5/25 - Zero miles. Up at 4 am to go to work. I had intentions of running after that but never made it off my couch.
Friday 5/26 - Zero miles. Up at 4 am again to go to work. Woke up feeling crappy. My throat had been a little sore all week. Now my head was stuffy and I couldn't stop coughing, which in turn made my chest hurt... rummaged through my medicine cabinet and came up with the following cocktail - 1 guaifenesin/dextramethophan combo pill for the chest congestion and cough, 2 pseudophed pills for my sinus congestion, 3 chlorphenamine pills for my runny nose and sneezing, 4 ibuprofen pills for my body aches, sore throat, and I felt a wee bit feverish, a snort of Afrin up each nostril, and 2 zinc tablets just because I found those too. That and two cups of coffee and I thought I was ready for the day... until I went to see my first patient and discovered I didn't have much of a voice either. It came out really hoarse and squeaky.
Felt better, thankfully, by the time I got off work. Then it took me 2 hours to get home due to highway construction. Ran in, changed, then took off for Carmel again to go to my niece's graduation Open House by 6 pm. Hung out in Carmel after that to bring G home and got home a little after 9 pm. My husband's aunt was at our house by then as she was staying here for my mother-in-law's surprise birthday party in the morning. I was up long enough to set out some clean sheets and towels before I passed out.
Saturday 5/27 - Zero miles. Up at 6 am so we could be ready and out the door by 7 am for my mother-in-law's surprise birthday party at 8 am in Columbus. It's her 80th Birthday and we did a surprise birthday breakfast.
12 total miles this week.
Now it's a new week. A new day. A new beginning. Let's see what the day brings!